In this issue
- Industrial And Office Park Development
- Major Reasons For The Asset Manager
- A Good Management System
- Office Building For Attorneys Only
With cheaper land costs and a greater amount of labor sources there has been a move on the part of industry to relocate from the cities to the suburbs during the past few decades. The result of this has been the establishment of industrial and office parks in those suburbs. Many of these have been planned and developed by private investors; others have been planned or sponsored by public agencies. Preparation for construction of an office or industrial park is expensive. It includes plotting, grading, and installing streets, utilities, rail connections and other facilities. With the increased difficulty in securing clearances and permits, speculative development in building these facilities was down……(more)
The institutional investor has found that income property must be placed under the supervision of professional, experienced and innovative managers. With more property moving into the ownership of institutions and real estate investment trusts, the need for asset managers increases. Asset managers have become more important during the past decade for three major reasons:….(more)
A good management system efficiently records, reports, and manages income from tenants. A poor system, on the other hand, is likely to increase the amount of work, create tenant conflicts, and reduce the amount of total collections. The income from managed apartments and commercial units is determined by the actual collection of rents, not by the number of occupied units. A fundamental aspect of effective property management is the rent management system, which enables rents and other income to be billed, recorded, collected and deposited…..(more)
Property managers must show some imagination to keep a property fully rented. One way to keep an office building occupied is to consider specializing–renting to members of one professional field. Members of the medical profession have long realized the advantages of having an office in a medical building (that is, in a building occupied only by professionals in the health care field). The building is designed, equipped, operated and maintained solely for their particular professional needs…..(more)